Report Mapper

The report-mapper is an integral part of the GitLab-CI/CD-pipeline for all test repositories. The report-mapper ensures that various inputs from Surefire-Reports, PMD and Checkstyle codestyle checks are converted into a uniform format. The produced result is an XML file and subsequently used by the report-visualizer for a readable output.

Architecture overview

Usage in the pipeline

For the usage in the pipeline you just need node as prerequisite and then install and use the report-mapper as following:

npm install @divekit/report-mapper
npx report-mapper

Keep in mind, to provide needed input-data based on your configuration.

Complete sample test-repo pipeline-script

image: maven:3-jdk-11

  - build
  - deploy

build: # Build test reports
  stage: build
    - chmod ugo+x ./
    - ./ # copy code from code repo and ensure that test are NOT overridden
    - mvn pmd:pmd # build clean code report
    - mvn verify -fn # always return status code 0 => Continue with the next stage
  allow_failure: true
  artifacts: # keep reports for the next stage
      - target/pmd.xml
      - target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml

pages: # gather reports and visualize via gitlab-pages
  image: node:latest
  stage: deploy
    - npm install @divekit/report-mapper
    - npx report-mapper # run generate unified.xml file
    - npm install @divekit/report-visualizer
    - npx report-visualizer --title $CI_PROJECT_NAME # generate page

      - public
    - master


The report mapper is configurable in two main ways:

  1. By defining which inputs are expected and therefore should be computed. This is configurable via parameters. You can choose from the following: pmd, checkstyle* and surefire. If none are provided it defaults to surefire and pmd.
npx report-mapper [surefire pmd checkstyle]
  1. The second option is specific to PMD. PMD for itself has a configuration-file pmd-ruleset.xml which configures which PMD rules should be checked. The report mapper also reads from this file and will design the output based on available rules.
    Note: The assignment of PMD rules to clean code and solid principles is as of now hardcoded and not configurable.

*The checkstyle-mapper is currently not included in the testing and therefore should be used with caution.

Example simplified pmd-ruleset.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Custom Rules"
    Clean Code Rules

  <!-- :::::: CLEAN CODE :::::: -->
  <!-- Naming rules -->
  <rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/ClassNamingConventions"/>
  <rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/FieldNamingConventions"/>

  <!-- :::::::: SOLID :::::::: -->
  <!-- SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) rules -->
  <rule ref="category/java/design.xml/TooManyFields"/> <!-- default 15 fields -->
  <rule ref="category/java/design.xml/TooManyMethods"> <!-- default is 10 methods -->
      <property name="maxmethods" value="15" />

Getting started


Clone the repository and install everything necessary:

git clone
git clone

cd ./divekit-report-mapper

npm ci # install all dependencies

npm test # check that everything works as intended

Provide input data

The input data should be provided in the following structure:

├── target
|   ├── surefire-reports
|   |    ├── fileForTestGroupA.xml
|   |    ├── fileForTestGroupB.xml
|   |    └── ...
|   ├── checkstyle-result.xml
|   └── pmd.xml
└── ...

You can find some examples for valid and invalid inputs in the tests: src/test/resources

npm run dev

Understand the Output

The result from the divekit-report-mapper is a XML-File (target/unified.xml). It contains the result of all inputs sources in a uniform format. This also includes errors if some or all inputs provided invalid or unexpected data.

Example with only valid data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <testsuite xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""
             name="E2CleanCodeSolidManualTest" failures="0" type="JUnit" status="failed">
    <testcase name="testCleanCodeAndSolidReview" status="failed" hidden="false">
      <error message="-%20break%20pipeline%20%3C--%0A" type="java.lang.Exception"><![CDATA[java.lang.Exception:
                - break pipeline <--

  <testsuite name="Clean-Code-Principles by PMD" status="failed" type="CleanCode">
    <testcase name="Keep it simple, stupid" status="passed" hidden="false"></testcase>
    <testcase name="Meaningful names" status="failed" hidden="false">
      <error type="LocalVariableNamingConventions" location="Line: 90 - 90 Column: 13 - 22"
             message="The local variable name &apos;snake_case&apos; doesn&apos;t match &apos;[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*&apos;"></error>


For further examples see tests src/test/resources.


All pipeline scripts normally use the latest version from

The repository is set up with three different GitHub Actions workflows wich trigger on pushes to the branches main, stage and development.

  • main: Build, run tests and publish new npm package. Fails if: build/tests fail, the version is a beta version or the version has not been updated
  • stage: same as main but the version must be a beta-version and the package is tagged as beta
  • development: Build and run all tests


Complete packages available at The versioning is mostly based on semantic versioning.


  • fixed a bug which caused packages to fail if there were build through the automated GitHub Actions workflow


  • moved docs from readme to divekit-docs
  • add continues delivery pipeline
  • switch to eslint
  • add configurability of pmd principles
  • add surefire parsing error flag
  • update scripts according to new report-visualizer naming


  • Parameters processing added, which allow a restriction of the used mappers
  • Error handling: If a mapper does not deliver a valid result, an error is indicated in the unified.xml.
Last modified September 19, 2022: add report-mapper@1.1.2 changelog (2ee96ab)