Access Manager 2.0

Rewritten (in python) and improved version of the original access manager. Used to change the access rights of repository members in a GitLab group based on a whitelist.

Setup & Run

  1. Install Python 3 or higher
  2. Install python-GitLab using pip install python-gitlab
  3. Check the file to configure the tool
  4. run using python AccessManager


GIT_URLURL of your GitLab Server
AUTH_TOKENYour personal GitLab access token
GROUP_IDId of the GitLab Group you want to modify
ACCESS_LEVELAccess level you want to provide. 1 for Maintainer, 0 for Guest
STUDENTSList of users to modify. Users not in this List will be ignored.
Last modified September 13, 2022: Update (55d724e)